Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Green Thumb

It's that time of year again!!!! I never thought I would get so excited about yard work and growing my own vegetables....but it's true ladies and gentlemen....yours truly is a garndening geek! Maybe I was a farmer in my past life, maybe it's Tony's Ohio heritage rubbing off on me??? Needless to say my gardening shoes are pink so I'm at least a fashionable gardening geek :) Last year was our first stab at growing our own vegetables and herbs. We had some "growing pains" and are excited to get a head start this year. We're going to try to grow Oregon Sugar Beans, Pole Beans, Tomatoes, Radish's, Lettuce, Onions, 2 kinds of Chives, Basil, Mint and Parsley.

week 1

week 2

1 comment:

  1. BTW- week 3 wasn't so good. When we went to whidbey for my half...I forgot to water them. Of course this was the weekend it was sunny so ...needless to say. I'm starting over :(
